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Udhaya Nature Power Health Mix

Original price was: ₹165.00.Current price is: ₹159.00.

  • Quantity : 1 Kg
  • Brand Name : Swamy Iyyappan

Rich Fibre, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Minerals, vitamins, iron activate the balanced diet and supply adequate energy to all the cells of our body Builds Bone and Muscles also repair damaged cells and recover. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels good for Diabetic sugar patients. Reduces bad Cholesterol

  • For making sweet or salt kanji take 11/2 tbsp of powder and dilute in a cup of water.
  • Transfer it to a pot and boil nicely without lumps when it becomes thick you can add some milk with it and needed sugar or salt as desired.
  • For the salt version, you can add buttermilk instead of milk.